Retirement Planning Services in Ipswich
Did you know?
Australia has one of the highest life expectancies in the world and the average retirement length has increased accordingly.
You may, therefore, need to plan for 20 to 30 years without the financial securities of regular employment. So it’s really important you make the most of your super and other savings in the lead-up to, and during your retirement.
Your Total Wealth Management adviser will help you get off to a good start, eliminate the confusion and find out which of the following powerful strategies below suits your needs and circumstances.
Strategies we may consider for you are:
- Top up your salary when moving into part-time employment
- Grow your super without reducing your income
- Use your super tax-effectively when retiring between ages 55 and 59
- Use your super tax-effectively when retiring at age 60 or over
- Invest the sale proceeds from your business tax-effectively
- Invest non-super money tax-effectively
- Offset Capital Gains Tax when starting an account based pension
- Reinvest your super to save tax